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Sense of Place Activity for Acrylic Painting


Feel: I can feel the sharp rocks finding their way into my sandals, stabbing at my feet. I can feel the warm breeze on m skin, making me blush. I can feel palm leaves falling from the trees and hitting my shoulders

Smell: I can smell the strong scent of sunscreen and salty air by the water. The sunscreen smells strongly of bananas and chemicals. I smell the Maui Chips bag in the cooler that I can't wait to eat.

Taste: I can taste the distinct flavor of guava, passion fruit and orange from my favorite drink only sold in Hawaii, POG, that is refreshing after swimming in the ocean for hours. I can also taste the bitterness of the spray able sunscreen that hit my lips.

Hear: I can hear the seagulls and little sand pipers who occupy Baby Beach. I can hear my family talking loudly, my sister yelling at my dad for making a cheesy joke. I can hear the soft crash of the small waves onto the sandy beach. As I walk back to the car, I can hear the crunch of gravel under my flip-flops.

See: I can see a graveyard on the side of the beach, old wooden crosses and vibrant fresh flowers. I can see the bright blue sky melting into the turquoise ocean.

Baby Beach's Graveyard

skies shone bright

white light

blue delight

at baby beach

skin as burnt as a peach

seagulls in the distant screech

sunscreen on my lips

sand on my fingertips

salty wind around me whips

to the right is dark

I straggle off the walk

hidden in the grief and graves

bright colors in the flowers rave

a better look I crave

death is replaced with bright

flowers provide some light

no longer there is fright


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