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Form Drawing Exercise


In class today we used the website,, to practice drawing forms using gesture and lines. The first image was a collection of 30 second timed drawings. With the limited time, I focused on the shapes and gesture of the body, creating enough of an outline (of the motion of the action) that the viewer can understand what is happening. The second image was a 1 minute drawing were I elaborated on the shape and gesture of the form by adding a head, neck and more definition in the torso, arms and legs. I was only able to get to the person on the ground in this one and didn't have time to finish the second model's details. The next three images were done in 5 minutes time. These are the same as the first two but I had more time to add elements like clothing and details in their body. The last one was done in a 10 minute time. This one I started with a skeleton of the motion and gesture the model was making and then went into building on that by adding his neck, head, arms and legs. With 10 minutes I was able to also add details in his face, his hair, his clothes, and his skin.


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