Le plein air is a French expression meaning “in the open air”, and refers to the act of painting outdoors with the artist's subject in full view. As an art assignment, we went outside and did as such. We sketched our surroundings. I chose the draw the Southridge school building and the houses in the neighborhood that surrounds the school. I decided to do this because it is outside of my comfort and interest zone. Usually I would pick something more colorful and something that can be made more abstract, like the wildflowers near the school. Instead I drew the buildings to expand my range of work and practice architectural drawing. I chose to outline some of the drawings in black and some others without to experiment with what I liked visually. I used different shades of grey, using the grey scale markers provided, to create highlights and shadows. I used different techniques, like simply coloring in the sketch versus cross hatching the drawing, to also experiment with what I liked visually. I also used this as an opportunity to try out cross hatching as I love the look of it but I have never tried my own hand at it.
