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2022 Midterm 2 Core Competencies


At the beginning of this term, I definitely utilized my Creative Thinking skills the most. I wrestled a lot with generating and then developing my design ideas for my pieces. In specific, I struggled with doing a university prompt for SFU’s School of Contemporary Arts Theatre: Production and Design. You can read more about it on the page under “Breadth”. The prompt as the draw an object three times, it getting more and more abstract each time. The prompt was both good and bad because I loved the freedom I had with the piece but struggled with how vague it was. I believe that personally, having more freedom can cause problems because I can never generate ideas.

To solve the problem of my artist’s block, I used my creative writing skills to generate ideas in a less conventional way. After I had selected my object, I decided to start with the end piece instead of the middle piece. I chose to paint a perfume bottle because I feel like I’m skilled with painting glass with oil paints. I used my creative thinking skills to create a design of a painting just using the color palette of the perfume liquid. Once I decided that, I then had trouble developing my idea. I had gotten to a stage where my painting felt incomplete but I wasn’t sure what to do. To combat this issue, I began experimenting with different ideas. I did layers of yellow with gloss inbetween, I drew flowers into the piece with Posca paint pens and white acrylic paint, and I added drips of darker yellow paint. However, the piece still wasn’t “finished”. Finally, I talked to Mrs. Baranszky and Mrs. Higgins for help. After discussing my purpose with the piece and what was wrong with it, we decided to spray paint a circle in the middle to show how you would spritz on perfume.

I learned a lot this term on how to properly utilize my creative thinking skills. Now, I am more confident in being able to create ideas from very little and how to decided when a piece is incomplete.


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