And as little as two months, I felt that I’ve accomplished a lot with my art. One of my biggest accomplishmets during this time period was creating this blog! I started populating this blog in the beginning of September and I am so proud for how much it has developed up to this day. All of my pages are full with my work and extensive explanations and reflections on my work. Speaking of my work, on my Blog page under the Grade 11 work section, you can find all the blog posts of the work I have completed or have started during September and October. Also, on my Portfolio page under the Grade 11 sketchbook section, you can find my work so far in my visual journal for this year. I am very proud of all the work I have done this far that you can find in the two areas described above and can't wait to explore more with my art in the coming months. In just two months, I have done more larger scale paintings than I did last year. So far, I have completed three acrylic paintings on canvases. I feel that I have gone out of my comfort zone with experimenting with new mediums and new art styles in an attempt to find my own style and technique. Below are my photos of my major projects I have done in September and October. Some you can find in my Projects page.
Core Competency (Communication) Reflection:
The core competency that I have worked on during these two months the most is communication because of my blog. This is my first year having an art blog and in the first two months of using it, I have populated my blog immensely. Each of my pages are filled with many of my works and detailed explanation and reflections of each. If you look at my Portfolio page under the Grade 10 or 11 Visual Journal Work sections, you will find photos of my art each with a detailed reflection on the work. I used my communication skills to look back at the art I have done and think back to my process, inspiration and planning for that specific work and then communicate all that to my viewers. If you look under my Projects page you will see more elaborate writings about different projects. For my Acrylic Painting Project "Sense of Place", I showed that I could present information using my communication skills in a clear and uniformed way. I separated the explanation for this project into the introduction (about the project), artist statement, analyze and interpret sections so that the viewer souls easily navigate my thoughts. With my artist statement for this piece, I was able to use my communication skills to describe the emotion and meaning behind my paintings to connect with the viewer. With my analyze and interpret sections, I used my communication skills to present my thoughts on the paintings, describe the different elements of the painting and go through my process behind the painting to the viewer in an easy to follow way and with interesting artistic language. For my Mixed Medium and Multi-Layered Series Painting #1 process explanation, I used my communication skills to explain the process behind my paintings, step by step, so that the viewer could see the painting through my eyes. I used the skills to take the viewer through the creation of the painting, allowing them to see each individual element. I used my communication skills the most when making all my blog posts. I used my communication skills to write each blog posts so that my viewers could understand my work better.