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Final Core Competencies Reflection for Art


Communication: I used my communication skills this semester with my personal art blog. Throughout this semester in art, I have been uploading posts about my artworks. I used my art blog to communicate my experiences with art, explain my art process with certain pieces, reflect on my work, and my studies on other artists. For example, under the “Projects” tab is all my huge art pieces over this semester. For each art project, I communicate my process through photo and writings, I explain my piece through an artist statement, I analyze my piece through the elements and principles of design and describe the mood of the piece. For some works, I share a historical/modern reference that I used for my piece. For example, for my oil painting piece, I researched 17th-century portraits of women as my historical reference. Another way I used my communication skills was with my presentation on sensationalism for my skateboard project. For this project, I had to explain to the class what the era of Sensationalism was like who were the big artists of the time, where did it come from, and what is. I obtained and interpreted information about the era from multiple sources online and then presented this information to the class with a great passion because I learned to really appreciate Sensationalism.

Creative Thinking: I used my creative thinking skills with every art piece this year. For each work of art I did, I had to generate an idea and then develop it into a final product. For art assignments given to me this year, I had to take the prompt and use my creative thinking skills to generate an idea that would connect to the prompt and then develop that idea into a design. For example, when we did our flag project we were given the prompt of symbiosis. After researching symbiosis I determined that I would use jellyfish as my subject. Then I developed that idea into a design that I envisioned being printed onto a flag.

Critical Thinking: I used my critical thinking skills in the art crits with classmates. During art crits, I would critically analyze other people’s art. In the last art crit, students would ask the class investigative questions about their art. I would respond to their questions by analyzing their piece and developing strategies that they could fix their mistakes or improve their piece. I also used my critical thinking skills in these art crits to ask questions to the student presenting their works. I also used my critical thinking to overcome problems I encountered with my artworks. For example, with my oil painting that was my first time ever using oil paint. I encountered a lot of problems as it was my first time using that medium. I used my critical thinking skills to find ways to re-approach my painting. I had to change my approach as the oil paint blended a lot not allowing me to do certain small details until much later.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility: I used my personal awareness and responsibility skills with my independent works. With the stress of a pandemic, school work, and stage managing a school play, it’s hard to fit in time to work on my art. I used self-determination to get multiple artworks done, allowing me to look back and be very proud of myself. I even did a whole art series of 5 paintings in my own time. I also used my skills to regulate my time. I was self-regulated to make sure I had enough time to get everything done. I would reserve time to relax and do art, also helping my well being as a break from stress, and then reserve time to do homework.


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