I used my communication core competencies in art during the salon for the acrylic painting “sense of place” and in my visual journal. During the salon I talked about my painting to my peers. I explained my inspiration behind the piece, my process to create it, and what I felt I could have done better or changed. I also used my communication skills in my visual journal. For every piece of art in my journal I wrote either a short or long blurb of my process and inspiration on the piece. For example, when working on my grayscale artwork, I wrote a paragraph beside the paper in my journal. I talked about what was on the paper, how I made each thing, and why grayscale is important for me to work on.
Creative Thinking:
I used my creative thinking all the time in art. I used my creative thinking to brainstorm and execute ideas and artwork in my visual journal. I also use my creative thinking when trying to advance my art technique, like with watercolors, by thinking of different ways to use the material. I used my creative thinking a lot during my acrylic painting process as well. I used it while brainstorming how I would create each piece of the photo using paint. I used my creative thinking skills specifically when doing the leaves/foliage in the background, by creatively creating an abstract effect with different colored blobs of green. I also used my creative thinking skills when preparing for the painting and doing the 5 sense and poetry work in my sketchbook in prep for it.