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Grade 10 Term 3 Core Competencies



I use my communication skills in all the discussions on schoology for this term in art. Since we've been using online learning, each week we've been doing an assignment. For each assignment there are discussions on schoology where we can post our own art and comment on other people's art. I have used my communication skills in these discussions In two ways. First, I have been communicating my own work. I write a couple short sentences about my process, my materials, my inspiration, etc. I make sure that in those short sentences I explain what my art is. I make sure to give enough information that people can respond to. The second way that I've used my communication skills in these discussions is how I comment on other people's posts. I make sure to comment on the majority of people's posts because I know how good it feels to get positive feedback or even critiques that I can improve on, so I like to make sure but other people can feel that level of appreciation when I comment on their post. I comment what I like specifically about people's art, using art language like the image development elements. I also give feedback, in the form of questions to learn further about that person's art and give them perhaps an idea on how they could further develop it.

Personal Awareness:

For the majority of Term 3, We have been using online learning. for art class, each week we have been doing an assignment based on a prompt. I have used my personal awareness skills to make sure that my work gets done by the end of the week and I am fully participating in this class. it can be hard to self-regulate when you're not always in a class. procrastination can sometimes get the best of me, but I've been using my personal awareness skills to make sure that my work is done and keep self determined. I make sure that I put all my efforts and have a well-edited final product. I have also been using my personal awareness skills in all of my art assignments to see how they contribute to my well-being. In these stressful times, I've used the art assignments to improve my mental health. I enjoyed doing art in my spare time so these assignments really helped me keep a positive mind in these hard times.


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